Spa treatments and fitness centres near the gîte de Founels, in Northern Lozère
In Chaudes-Aigues (12 km):
Caleden: Spa and fitness centre specialised in rheumatology. The specificity of this centre is that it possesses 30 natural hot springs. Chaudes-Aigues’ reputation goes back to very ancient times and have been in use since the beginning of our era. The healing and relaxing properties of its waters still continue to attract fitness enthusiasts to this day.
In Brion (10 km):
La Chaldette: Spa and fitness centre.
At the heart of the Aubrac in the Lozère, La Chaldette is a spa and fitness centre that lies on the banks of the river Bès, 1,000 metres above sea level. The nature of the waters at La Chaldette Spa is recommended in the treatment of digestive and metabolic disorders. Its decongestant, laxative and diuretic properties are a source of comfort and well-being.